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... posted on Jul 20 2003, 490 reads


If you had to choose between 10% more cops on the beat or 10% more citizens knowing their neighbors' first names, the latter is a better crime prevention strategy. If you had to choose between 10% more teachers or 10% more parents being involved in their kids' education, the latter is a better route to educational achievement.... posted on Jul 19 2003, 983 reads


Exactly 108 years before the tragic World Trade Center bombing in NY -- Sep 11, 1893 -- Swami Vivekananda delivered a stunning speech at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, prompting many interfaith dialogues across Eastern and Western cultures. With just the first five words, he evoked a standing ovation -- "Sisters and Brothers of America".... posted on Jul 18 2003, 991 reads


When Bliss Browne shared a special moment with a homeless man, it hit her -- we don't need to construct our connection with others; it's already there! We just need to pay attention to it. Following that understanding and other serendipitous events, she started "Imagine Chicago," where imagination would be the movement! Over the last decade, their work is widely honored and replicated throughou... posted on Jul 17 2003, 1,008 reads


Removing Smallpox from the World
A young man in his twenties, who wants to serve the world, gets an mandate from his teacher -- "go remove smallpox in the world." Dr. Larry Brilliant takes a 17-hour bus ride from a remote area in the Himalayas and heads to the United Nations. Rejected. His teacher tells him to go again. Rejected again. He went back and forth two dozen times, his outfit gradually changing from monastary cloth... posted on Jul 16 2003, 964 reads


An average American child watches as many as 40,000 television commercials every year. With children either spending or influencing 500 billion dollars worth of purchases, marketing techniques have been turned upside down. In the past the most effective way to sell children's products was through mom and dad. Now the opposite is true, children are the focal point for intense advertising pressure ... posted on Jul 15 2003, 886 reads


... posted on Jul 14 2003, 609 reads


... posted on Jul 13 2003, 424 reads


The City of Berkeley is at it again. This time, it's the first city of its size to use biodiesel fuel called B100 for all 200 of the city's diesel vehicles -- garbage trucks, fire engines, and school buses. B100 can be made from just about any plant oil and animal fat and has far cleaner emissions than traditional petroleum.... posted on Jul 12 2003, 759 reads


If you're the richest man in the world, what would be the most satisfying part of your life? Well, Bill Gates says it's having kids and playing with them!... posted on Jul 11 2003, 1,421 reads


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The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.
Nisargadatta Maharaj

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